Letter from Coretta

Black America is grieving. 

The Urban Money Project was built with an agenda for creating wealth equality; but we can’t solve that problem without addressing racial injustices. I have spent the past several weeks pulling together content to share with you yesterday #BlackOutTuesday, yet all of it seems irrelevant when the only thing that the collective ‘we’ can think or feel as of late, is sheer grief. We’ve experienced a tremendous amount of trauma, in a short period of time, amidst a pandemic, and with little to no economic security.

David McAtee. George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Aubrey. Christian Cooper.

100 days. 5 incidents, 4 deaths. We are tired. We are in pain. We are human. 

The Urban Money Project stands in solidarity with all those that are grieving, because Black Lives Matter. We've partnered with other Black individuals and organizations to raise money for water, snacks, and masks for protesters peacefully exercising their First Amendment Right of freedom of speech. Feel free to donate or volunteer with our Mutual Aid initiative

As we plan for What's Next, I encourage you to think what else you can do?

Black America is in need of compassion, empathy, and most importantly justice and equity. As we mourn, don’t judge us; join us. Protests bring attention... and now that we have your attention, help us rebuild America the way it’s SUPPOSED to be, not the way it ever was. Let the healing begin.

Sign Petitions, Donate to the Cause, Make Demands, Shop Small + Black, and VOTE.

“Only change makes noise.” - Mom